Wednesday 14 November 2012

A weekend by the sea!

We're going away this weekend!

Yes I'm excited and yes there are likely to be a lot of exclamation marks through this post!

The last time we went away together was in the last week of March when we went back to Scotland to visit family and friends (I'm from the West Coast of Scotland).  It was great.  We spent a few days with my folks in the small town they live and then in Glasgow with our friends. 

Living so far away from my family when we do go away it tends to be for me to go back home.  Alas it doesn't happen nearly often enough, and being almost 400 miles away it's not always possible for people to come and visit.

*Cue tiny violins*

But this weekend, tomorrow in fact, we're going away.  To Brighton!

Now before I go much further I should say that it's for a conference so it's not all play.  In fact it's not even mostly play time.  But the important thing is it's away from here and together.

I've never been before and it's apparently a lovely place to visit.  David's been loads of times (a distant ex of his was from there) so there are loads of places he wants to show me.  The picture above is of Brighton Pier and it's one of the things I'm most excited about. 

Having grown up on the banks of a river, being so close to water all the time became just part of the background and not something I paid a great deal of attention to.  Until I moved.  Even the air smells different.  We live so far inland I don't trust it.  There's so 

So for four days I get to be away from our town WITH my man and right on the coast.  The weather forecast is to be dry so fingers crossed it stays that way!

Before I wrap this up, I just want to mention one of the places we're going to try and track down between conference sessions.  Choccywoccydoodah.

This is possibly the most eccentric cake shop I've ever come across.  They have a reality program on some channel or other...that's pretty vague but I can't remember which one.  And if you're wondering why I'm mentioning this specifically than check out the picture below.

Weekend away: check.  Future husband: check.  Water: check.  Mounds of chocolate: check!

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